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Forget yo-yo dieting and calorie-counting blues! WildFit isn’t about guilt trips, it’s about breaking free from unhealthy habits and building a happy, healthy relationship with food – all in just 3 months.

Sounds too good to be true? Over 557,324 people worldwide have already discovered the WildFit difference.

Here’s the deal: confusing diet fads and conflicting information make healthy eating a struggle. WildFit cuts through the noise. It uses a powerful combo of behavioral psychology, food science, and supportive coaching to transform you from the inside out. Reclaim your health and vitality – WildFit style!

WildFit Review from the Author

WildFit has been transformative for me. I’ve struggled with emotional eating and yo-yo dieting for years, but this program helped me break that cycle for good. Learning to listen to my body’s natural hunger cues and cravings was life-changing.

The focus on developing a healthy relationship with food, rather than just restricting calories, has made this a sustainable lifestyle I can maintain long-term. I feel liberated from the diet mentality and finally at peace with food. The weight loss is just an added bonus to the newfound energy and mental clarity I’ve gained.

Meet the Founder


Eric Edmeades is the founder of Wildfit, a nutritional coaching business. He is a serial entrepreneur born in South Africa and raised in Canada, with a diverse business background. Struggling with his own health issues, he began researching human diet, nutrition, and behavioral psychology which led him to start WildFit and help others transform their relationship with food.

How WildFit Works? A Three-Phase Approach

The WildFit 90-day challenge is divided into three distinct phases:

DetoxWeeks 1-2Eliminating common allergens and addictive substances like sugar, processed foods, and caffeine
TransformationWeeks 3-10Learning WildFit principles and implementing them into daily life
IntegrationWeeks 11-13Developing new habits and routines that support long-term well-being
Timeline of WildFit Course

During the detox phase, you’ll gradually remove foods that may be causing inflammation or cravings in your body. This prepares you for the transformation phase, where you’ll dive deeper into the WildFit methodology and start making lasting changes to your eating habits. Finally, in the integration phase, you’ll solidify your new healthy lifestyle and learn how to maintain it beyond the 90-day program

One of the key aspects of WildFit is its focus on understanding the six core human hunger:

  • Nutritional hunger
  • Empty stomach hunger
  • Low blood sugar hunger
  • Emotional hunger
  • Thirst hunger
  • Variety hunger

By learning to recognize and respond appropriately to these different types of hunger, you can start listening to your body’s true needs and make food choices that nourish you on every level. 

Expected Results After Completing the WildFit 90-Day Challenge 

Participants have reported benefits like:

  • Significant weight loss (22-86 lbs)
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved mental clarity and focus
  • Better sleep quality
  • Relief from chronic health issues like asthma, joint pain, and digestive problems
  • Glowing skin, stronger hair and nails
  • A renewed sense of confidence and vitality

With the support of certified WildFit coaches and a thriving online community, you’ll have all the tools and motivation you need to succeed on your journey to food freedom.

WildFit Program Details

Forget restrictive diets! WildFit rewires your relationship with food in 90 days. So, what exactly does the WildFit program entail? Let’s break it down:

Program DetailsDescription
Duration90 days (13 weeks)
Lessons90 video modules
InstructorEric Edmeades
OfferingsPre-recorded lectures, daily assignments, training videos, and more
Additional ResourcesPDFs, food charts, and recipes
Daily Time Commitment10 minutes to 2.5 hours

Throughout the 13-week program, you’ll have access to 90 video lessons led by Eric Edmeades himself. But WildFit is more than just a series of videos. You’ll also receive daily assignments and training videos to keep you engaged and on track. 

For starters, it’s not your typical diet or exercise regimen. Instead, WildFit focuses on helping you develop a healthy relationship with food by understanding your emotional connections and triggers.

WildFit Benefits

One of the most significant benefits of WildFit is weight loss. Participants have reported losing anywhere from 10 to 45 pounds during the 90-day program. Many WildFit graduates have noticed a significant improvement in their waist-hip ratio, indicating a reduction in harmful belly fat. 

Participants have reported experiencing a wide range of positive changes, including:

  • Enhanced mental focus and clarity
  • Increased energy levels throughout the day
  • Better sleep quality and duration
  • Younger-looking skin, hair, and nails
  • Relief from chronic health issues like asthma and allergies

So how does WildFit achieve these impressive results? By focusing on three key pillars of health: nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle

Here’s what some WildFit graduates have to say about their experience:

Catherine Malli DawsonLost 45 pounds and no longer suffers from asthma
Dean Cass CollierDropped 9.5 pounds and improved his mental focus and productivity at work
Prasanna KarthikeyanLost 10 pounds and reversed his pre-diabetes diagnosis

Is WildFit Suitable for Vegans?

WildFit is not specifically designed as a vegan program, it emphasizes whole, nutrient-dense foods and minimizes processed junk. This aligns well with a plant-based diet, which is naturally rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. 

Wildfit for Vegans

However, WildFit does recommend some animal products, such as eggs and fish, for their nutrient density and omega-3 content. But don’t worry – there are plenty of plant-based alternatives that can provide similar benefits. 

As a vegan, you’ll also want to pay special attention to certain nutrients that can be more challenging to obtain from plant-based sources, such as:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D

But with a well-planned vegan diet and the right supplements, you can easily meet your nutritional needs while following the WildFit program.

Wildfit Success Stories and Testimonials

One of the most inspiring aspects of the WildFit program is the incredible success stories and transformations shared by its participants. From significant weight loss to improved mental clarity and energy levels, WildFit has helped countless individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. But don’t just take our word for it. 

Here’s what some WildFit participants have to say about their experience:

Watch Some WildFit Success Stories on YouTube

But perhaps one of the most powerful aspects of WildFit is the before and after results shared by participants. In fact, a recent survey of WildFit graduates found that:

  • 95% of participants lost weight in the program.
  • 87% reported increased energy levels.
  • 79% experienced improved sleep quality.
  • 73% noticed better digestion and gut health.
  • 68% reported enhanced mental clarity and focus.

These statistics speak to the incredible effectiveness of the WildFit program and its ability to deliver real, lasting results. 

WildFit Pricing and Subscription Plans

WildFit is certainly an investment in your health and well-being, it’s important to understand the value and potential returns of the program. So, how much does WildFit cost? The current pricing for the 90-day program is as follows:

Wildfit Pricing

While the cost of WildFit may seem high at first glance, it’s important to consider the value of the program and the potential long-term benefits for your health and quality of life. 

As the saying goes, “Health is Wealth.” By prioritizing your nutrition and well-being with WildFit, you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of vitality, energy, and happiness. 

Potential Drawbacks of WildFit

While WildFit has helped countless individuals transform their health and well-being, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks of the program before making a commitment.

It’s important to remember that WildFit is not a magic solution or a quick fix. The program requires consistent effort and dedication, and results may vary from person to person. So, is Wildfit right for you? Ultimately, only you can decide. 

Here’s a quick nutshell of the potential drawbacks of WildFit:

CostOne-time payment of $895 or installment plan of $1,199
Time commitment10 minutes to 2.5 hours per day for 90 days
Dietary changesRequires eliminating processed foods, sugar, and other unhealthy items
Learning curveExtensive reading materials and resources may be overwhelming for some
Not a quick fixRequires consistent effort and dedication, results may vary

WildFit Vs Other Health Programs

If you’re considering enrolling in WildFit, you might be wondering how the program compares to other popular health and wellness plans.

Let’s start by comparing WildFit to some of the most well-known diets out there:

ProgramsSimilarities to WildFitDifferences from WildFit
Whole30Emphasizes whole, unprocessed foodsStricter rules, no grains or legumes allowed
PaleoFocuses on ancestral eating habitsAllows some animal products, no grains or dairy
KetoLow-carb approach for fat burningHigh-fat, very low-carb, no fruit or starchy veggies

Now, let’s take a look at some popular health and wellness programs:

ProgramsSimilarities to WildFitDifferences from WildFit
NoomEmphasizes behavior change and mindset shiftsPrimarily app-based, less emphasis on specific foods
OptaviaProvides meal replacements and coaching supportHeavily reliant on pre-packaged foods and supplements
BeachbodyOffers workout programs and nutrition plansMore fitness-focused, less emphasis on mindset and behavior change

Like WildFit, these programs aim to help individuals improve their health and well-being. However, they differ in their approach and emphasis. 

Finally, let’s compare WildFit to some well-known weight loss programs:

ProgramsSimilarities to WildFitDifferences from WildFit
Weight WatchersEncourages healthy eating habits and portion controlPoints-based system, allows for more flexibility in food choices
NutrisystemProvides pre-portioned meals and snacksHeavily reliant on pre-packaged foods, less emphasis on whole foods

Have Questions Regarding WildFit? We Got You Covered

Do I Need to Take any Supplements During or After the WildFit Program?

No, you do not need to take any additional supplements during or after completing WildFit.

Is Exercise a Necessary Component of the WildFit Program?

No, exercise is not a required part of WildFit. The program is based on the principle that 95% of your body composition is determined by diet, while only 5% is from physical activity.

What if I have Food Allergies or Sensitivities?

It’s recommended to first consult your doctor about any suspected food allergies. If you have confirmed allergies to foods in the WildFit program, avoid those and choose alternatives, as it is not a hyper-restrictive diet.

How Can I Access WildFit Recipes and Meal Ideas?

Wildfit recipes and meal ideas are provided in a few ways – to active WildFit program participants, in the extensive food database for Living WildFit members, and in recipe books and snack packs available on the WildFit website.

What’s the Difference between the WildFit on Mindvalley and accessing the Website directly?

Mindvalley is a partner that has licensed the WildFit Challenge for its educational platform. If you purchase from WildFit directly, you access the program at, while Mindvalley has its own platform.

Is the WildFit Program only available Online?

The core WildFit 90-Day Challenge is an online program available through the Wildfit and Mindvalley platforms. However, founder Eric Edmeades also offers in-person retreats like Wildfest that incorporate WildFit principles along with other activities. Some certified Wildfit coaches may offer local in-person workshops or meetups as well.

What kind of Support is available During and After the WildFit 90-Day Challenge?

Participants get access to a private online community for motivation and accountability, daily check-ins and assignments, Q&A sessions with founder Eric Edmeades, and personalized coaching from certified Wildfit coaches.

Ready to Transform with WildFit?

As we’ve seen throughout this WildFit review, the program has a lot to offer for those seeking to transform their health and well-being.

From its emphasis on whole, unprocessed foods to its focus on mindset shifts and behavior change, Wildfit provides a roadmap for lasting, sustainable lifestyle changes. 

As Eric Edmeades, the creator of Wildfit, puts it:

“Health is not something that you achieve and then forget about. It’s a lifelong journey, and it requires consistent effort and attention. But the rewards – the energy, vitality, and joy that come with true health – are worth every step of the journey.”

  So, Is WildFit Worth It In 2024? For many individuals, the answer is a resounding yes

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