Learning to code is more popular than ever in 2023. With over 25 million software developer jobs expected by 2029, YouTube has become a go-to resource for aspiring programmers. But with countless coding channels, finding the best ones can be overwhelming for beginners.

That’s why we compiled this definitive list of the best YouTube channels to learn programming that covers topics like web development, computer science, and data science. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your skills, these YouTube stars provide actionable tutorials, project walkthroughs, and coding tips. From CS Dojo’s beginner-friendly videos to Traversy Media’s web dev projects, you’ll master key programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java.

Follow these influential instructors with millions of followers between them. Their engaging and entertaining lessons make learning to code accessible for all. Supercharge your programming journey with the top channels we recommend in 2023. Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Using YouTube to Learn Coding

Learning coding from YouTube can have many benefits. Some of the major benefits include:

  • Learning to code from YouTube helps develop valuable soft skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and communication that are applicable beyond coding.
  • Creating coding tutorial videos requires thoroughly researching concepts, which helps cement knowledge and leads to more efficient learning.
  • Sharing coding knowledge on YouTube builds professional networks, improves online presence, and helps developers land better jobs.
  • Communicating complex coding concepts clearly in videos develops soft skills like public speaking abilities, confidence, and concise communication.
  • YouTube’s massive reach and search traffic allow coding videos to gain significant exposure, views, and subscribers over time with optimization.
  • YouTube’s auto-suggest and search data reveals high-demand coding topics and keywords to optimize videos around.

10+ Best YouTube Channels to Learn Programming

Here are the best YouTube Channels to Learn Programming.

Name of the ChannelNumber of Subscribers
CS Dojo1.92 million
FreeCodeCamp3.3 million
The Net Ninja1.3 million
Kevin Powell378,000
Traversy Media2.2 million
Java Brains681K
Derek Banas1.14M
Programming with Mosh2.95 million
Tech With Tim533,000
Fireship1.1 million

1. CS Dojo

  • Average Video Length: 10-20 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “Python Tutorial for Absolute Beginners #1” with 5 million views

CS Dojo, with its 1.92 million subscribers, stands as one of the most popular channels for learning computer science concepts and navigating the often daunting world of coding interviews. Led by former Google software developer YK Sugi, CS Dojo offers a comprehensive library of programming tutorials and coding interview prep lessons.

2. FreeCodeCamp

  • Average Video Length: Varies, full courses available
  • Most Viewed Video: “Learn JavaScript – Full Course for Beginners” with 5 million views

FreeCodeCamp, with its 3.3 million subscribers, is a powerhouse for accessible coding education. Their comprehensive curriculum, featuring free full-length courses on web development, data science, and more, empowers you to learn by building real projects alongside mastering programming fundamentals. This hands-on approach, combined with their supportive community and interactive learning environment, makes FreeCodeCamp a valuable resource for aspiring programmers of all levels, whether you’re looking to start a new career or simply explore your passion for coding.

3. The Net Ninja

The Net Ninja
  • Average Video Length: 10-20 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners” with 1.7 million views

The Net Ninja offers a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for aspiring web developers, with Shaun’s clear explanations and practical project examples making complex concepts accessible and enjoyable to grasp. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to level up your skills, The Net Ninja provides a valuable resource for your web development journey.

4. Academind

  • Average Video Length: 20-40 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “React JS Tutorial” with 1.5 million views

Academind, with its 841,000+ subscribers, is your gateway to in-demand web development and programming skills. Instructor Maximilian Schwarzmüller’s clear, engaging video tutorials guide you through mastering essential technologies like React, Vue.js, GraphQL, and Node.js, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to build modern, interactive web applications. Whether you’re starting from scratch or seeking to refine your expertise, Academind’s structured learning approach and supportive community make it the ideal platform to launch your successful career in web development.

5. Kevin Powell

Kevin Powell
  • Average Video Length: 15-25 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “HTML & CSS Crash Course Tutorial” with over 1 million views

Kevin Powell’s channel takes a deep dive into the world of front-end development, with his enthusiasm and clear teaching style making even the most challenging topics like Flexbox and responsive design feel manageable. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned developer looking to refine your skills, Kevin’s channel offers valuable guidance and practical tips to take your web design and development to the next level.

6. Traversy Media

Traversy Media
  • Average Video Length: 30-60 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners” with over 2 million views

Brad Traversy’s Traversy Media, boasting a vibrant community of over 2.2 million subscribers, is your comprehensive platform for mastering web development and programming. With engaging video tutorials covering a wide spectrum of in-demand technologies like JavaScript, Node.js, React, and Python, Brad’s clear explanations and practical approach empower you to learn by doing, regardless of your background. Whether you’re taking your first steps in code or looking to refine your skills, Traversy Media offers the perfect blend of content and community to help you achieve your web development goals.

7. Java Brains

Java Brains
  • Average Video Length: 10-20 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video:  “Spring Boot Quick Start” with over 1.5 million views

Java Brains stands out with its structured learning approach, offering full courses and Bootcamps alongside bite-sized tutorials, ensuring a smooth and rewarding learning experience for Java enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you’re starting from scratch or aiming for advanced mastery, Java Brains provides the tools and guidance you need to unlock your full potential as a Java programmer.

8. Derek Banas

Derek Banas
  • Average Video Length: 20-60 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “Learn JavaScript in One Video” with over 3.6 million views

Derek Banas takes viewers on a fascinating journey through the world of technology and beyond, from the intricacies of machine learning algorithms to the art of crafting the perfect burger. His programming tutorials, ranging from bite-sized introductions to in-depth explorations lasting hours, cater to every level of learner, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or just starting out, Derek’s infectious enthusiasm and passion for knowledge are sure to ignite your own curiosity and inspire your learning journey.

9. Programming with Mosh

Programming with Mosh
  • Average Video Length: 1-5 hours
  • Most Viewed Video: “Python Tutorial for Beginners” with over 5 million views

Programming with Mosh, boasting 2.95 million subscribers, is your gateway to mastering in-demand web development and coding skills. Mosh Hamedani’s clear, concise tutorials, packed with practical exercises and real-world projects, empower you to learn Python, Node.js, React, and more, regardless of your experience level. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned developer seeking to advance your expertise, Mosh provides the tools and knowledge you need to achieve your programming goals.

10. Tech With Tim

Tech With Tim
  • Average Video Length: 15-25 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “Python Tutorial – Python for Beginners [Full Course]” with over 1 million views

Tech With Tim, with over 533,000 subscribers, unlocks the exciting world of coding for aspiring programmers. Tim Ruscica’s project-centric approach, tailored for beginners, provides a hands-on learning experience with Python, game development, machine learning, and more, equipping you with the skills and confidence to build real-world applications. Join Tim’s community and embark on your coding journey today!

11. Fireship

  • Average Video Length: 1-2 minutes
  • Most Viewed Video: “React in 100 Seconds” with over 2 million views

Fireship’s lightning-fast, 100-second video tutorials, catering to over 1 million subscribers, offer a quick and engaging way to grasp essential concepts across diverse tech fields. From web development and cloud infrastructure to cybersecurity and beyond, Fireship provides the perfect bite-sized learning experience to ignite your curiosity and kickstart your journey into the world of technology. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking for a quick refresher, Fireship’s efficient format and engaging presentations make learning efficient and fun.

Using YouTube Channels Along with Other Resources

While YouTube offers an incredible array of programming tutorials, relying solely on video content has limitations. Combining online video lessons with coding books, documentation, interactive courses, and hands-on practice is ideal for well-rounded learning.

Books provide structured foundations in programming concepts that videos may lack. Official documentation delivers the most accurate, up-to-date language specifics beyond tutorials. Interactive online courses feature coding challenges to cement knowledge. And nothing beats building real projects to learn what works in practice.

YouTubers themselves often cite additional resources in video descriptions for those seeking more depth. So utilize channels as a fun, engaging introductory resource but don’t stop there. Embrace a multi-modal approach across mediums tailored to your learning style and coding goals for the best skill development. The diverse programming content on YouTube shines brightest when supplemented with other stellar coding resources at your disposal.


What is the best YouTube channel for competitive programming?

CS Dojo provides excellent tutorials and practice for mastering key data structures, algorithms, and techniques required for competitive coding interviews and contests. Their structured curriculum helps you methodically improve.

Is FreeCodeCamp or The Net Ninja better?

Both FreeCodeCamp and The Net Ninja offer stellar free content to learn web development. FreeCodeCamp provides more comprehensive full courses and project-based learning, while Net Ninja offers shorter, concise tutorials. Combine both platforms for well-rounded knowledge.

What channel is best for beginners?

FreeCodeCamp, CS Dojo, and Tech With Tim provide the most beginner-friendly content to start coding from scratch. Their tutorials assume no prior knowledge and offer step-by-step guidance.

Is Academind better than Traversy Media?

Both channels are excellent and cover similar content. Academind goes more in-depth explaining concepts, while Traversy Media focuses more on building projects. Use both to get theoretical foundations and practical experience.

Should I only use YouTube to learn coding?

While YouTube is a great starting point, also use coding books, documentation, online courses, and building projects to cement your knowledge. A blended learning approach across mediums is ideal for well-rounded skill development.


YouTube has become an invaluable platform for learning programming with engaging and simplified video tutorials. As the article showcased, channels like FreeCodeCamp, CS Dojo, The Net Ninja, Traversy Media, and more make understanding complex coding concepts approachable for beginners through project-based learning. Their curriculum, taught by industry experts, helps you get hands-on experience building real-world applications with JavaScript, Python, React, and other languages.

With communities providing support and updated content covering the latest web frameworks and programming best practices, these YouTube channels have impacted millions looking to acquire in-demand coding skills and become proficient developers. By starting with the top channels highlighted here, anyone can start their programming journey and become job-ready.

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